Youth is the eye lotus spring, third year is that this eye expansion of bubbling spring season. 青春是眼忘忧泉,高三是这眼泉水膨胀冒泡的季节。
Second sight, or the super-activity of the third eye may come whenever there is the opening of the lyden center and the kundaline forces from same to the pineal. 只要来登中心开启和从那里的生命之气升至松果腺,另类视力,或者叫第三眼的超感觉现象就会出现。
When the inner spiritual force is raised to the "third eye"( the pituitary gland) the individual becomes a magnet. 当内在精神力量提升至第三只眼(垂体),个人就会成为一块磁铁。
Third eye Conceal: While worn, a third eye conceal protects the wearer from view by all detect, influence, or read emotions or thoughts. 隐匿额眼:“隐匿额眼”对所有试图观看、定位或侦测佩戴者的异能隐藏佩戴者。
Zadkiel also kindles a desire for spiritual development in the human heart and, being the Angel of the Third Eye, offers assistance in the matters of clairvoyance, lucid dreaming and invocation. 然德基尔也燃起人们心中想要提升灵性的渴望,身为第三眼的天使,祂在灵视力、清明的梦与祈祷上提供协助。
Shiva's third eye has been carefully incised on Shiva's side of the face. 湿婆的第三只眼经过精心切割的湿婆的脸侧的。
The Third Eye is about to open 第三视点即将开启
The third criterion is to see color, eye color is. 第三条标准,就是要看肤色,肤色是否悦目。
Even a third eye wouldn't help you see the black hole's center, however, because all light is headed toward the singularity and none away from it, Hamilton writes on his Web site. Hamilton在他的网站上写到,可即便第三只眼睛也不会帮助你看到黑洞中心因为一切光线都是朝着奇异点方向而去而不是背离。
Is the conarium "the third eye" man look through everything? 松果体是人类“洞悉一切”的第三只眼吗?
If we seek the satisfaction of our ego, our third eye ( seat of our intuition) will not open up. 如果我们追求外在自我的成就。我们的第三眼(眉心轮-我们的直觉)将不会打开。
Third eye Expose: The wearer of this third eye always knows when someone lies directly to him. 测谎额眼:该“镶额眼”的佩戴者总能察觉别人是否直接对自己说谎。
Looking at the logistics in Xinjiang Autonomous Region by "the third eye" “第三只眼”看新疆物流业
This chakra is known as the brow chakra or third eye center. 该脉轮被称为眉间轮或第三眼的中心。
Third eye sense: The wearer of this kind of third eye can manifest clairvoyant sense at will. 超感额眼:该“额眼”的佩戴者事实上可以如同有持续的异能“遥感术”一样。
How do you develop the third eye? 如何开发第三眼?
His ris is a deep, penetrating brown, and one third of his face surrounding this normal eye gives the impression of a normal teenager. 虹膜是深邃、具穿透力的褐色。如果只看这只正常眼睛周围三分之一的脸庞,他是正常少年的模样。
Forgot about that third eye. 忘了这第三只眼吧。
Then you have your third eye chakra. 然后到了你的三眼轮。
At the time Mila studied with her teacher, she was told to read from her crown chakra rather than her third eye. 在Mila跟她老师学习的时候,她被告知从皇冠脉轮进行解读,而不是用第三眼。
It can also be done by placing the hands together in front of the third eye, bowing the head, and then bringing the hands down to the heart. 另外一种示意方式是将双手合十置于三眼前方,低头鞠躬,而后将双手移至心轮处。
And the third was eye atrophy ( 14.27%). 再次是眼球萎缩占14.27%。
Look at your competitors with the third eye 第三只眼睛看竞争对手
Watch the Body Aesthetics in The Consuming Age With the Third Eye 第三只眼看消费时代的身体美学
Looking at reviewers of sci-tech academic journals using the third eye 用第三只眼看科技学术期刊审稿人
The Third Eye of Epic Study& Evaluation of The Theory of Oral Composition: History and Methodology 史诗研究的第三只眼&《口头诗学:帕里-洛德理论》的评介
Research on Parameter Detection and Evaluation System for Conduct Rail of Rail Transit The Third Eye 第三轨参数检测及评价系统研究
The Third Eye Great Global Grid: From WWW to GGG-The Heat of the 3rd Generation of Internet 网格:从WWW到GGG&关注第三代互联网的浪潮
Fanchang, Anhui: An Third Eye On the County Party Secretary 安徽繁昌:第三只眼看县委书记